Hot Takes! Part Tres

The sister of all reviews!

Participant #1:
Welcome everyone to the Podaskew podcast. I am C.J. and with me as always is my heterolifemate Rico...

A mask in Yankee Doodle floppy Disk. This is Foxtrot Zulu Milkshake. Checking in at 700ft request. Permission to podcast denied. What's going on, buddy? I'm sorry. I think you've gotten to a point now where you go to see how speechless you can make me with those. I mean, I'm sure most people would agree that I talked the majority of the fucking episodes anyways. You might as well be speechless. Yeah, it's true. That's true. I mean, Chrysler going back to one of our first reviews, I was told I was a guest on my own. Do you remember? Which I do remember. I don't agree. I didn't say I agreed. I said it was said almost four fucking years ago. Dude, how crazy is that shit. I know. Jesus Christ. How do you feel after four years? Tired.

Participant #1:
And boy, you look it. Yeah, I just flew to California and boy, are my arms tired. Your arms are already tired, bitch. One of them is. Yeah. Actually, I can't feel it. So maybe not so much. I don't know. You just kept flying in circles. It's like the fishing Nemo. It's just Buzzard Airlines. Did you like the Nemo reference in Moon Night? I know we haven't talked about the show and I don't want to get in at all thing, but did you like the email? Yeah. I mean, I caught it. I understood it. I'm liking Moon Night. Yeah, I am too. Which, by the way, not to get on the whole thing, but I just read today they've confirmed that Hawkeye is dead, not the character of the show. Really? Yeah. They're not bringing it back for season two. That's unfortunate because that was one of the better ones. It really was. I agree. And apparently it's something to do with they wanted to submit it to like the short series on Miami, and they chose not to when they put Loki instead because the post credit thing and Loki says Loki will return in season two, it automatically disqualified it as a short series, even though it's still six episodes or eight or whatever it is. Whatever it was, it just would be that Hawkeye would be the superhero show that's canceled out of the MCU. Well, I think Wanda vision has been two, for what it's worth. I don't think that's coming back. I think the only two definitively coming back right now are Loki and fuck. What was the other one? Captain Corner Soldier. I think that's even up in the air, Falcon Winter Soldier. It might just be Loki at this point, then. Well, I keep hearing they're going to make a fucking. I mean, there's rumors and confirmation they're going to make a Captain America for with Falcon as the.

Participant #1:
I don't know if they've said it's going to be a long season or if it's going to be its own movie I thought I saw a movie, but I could be wrong. So we'll see. Plus, we got Multiverse of Madness coming out next week, I think two weeks. Jesus. Yeah. It's real soon. I hope I get hired from at a movie theater so I can go see that for nothing. Or next to nothing, at least. Yeah, I have a feeling. Or getting early screening. There you go. Because the other movie theater I worked at years ago, that would be our thing. Like, we would watch the movie the night before it was technically released. It was just like a big party. That would be awesome. I hate paying. You know how much I hate paying for movie tickets, right? Just because I think that's ridiculously expensive or whatever. I always tried to get the Matinee shows to cut that down a little bit, and yet I immediately thought maybe I'll fly out and watch it with you and like, how expensive is that movie ticket? I'm going to spend $600 to not pay for a movie ticket. Actually, you probably could do it for three, but sure, yeah, I would be happy to have you here again, but I would never stop ripping him. Like, you spent $300 to not spend $20. Yeah, that would be the bigger experience because it would be you and me potentially. Mike, honestly, as much as I don't like going to the movies with people typically speaking, to go with you and Michael and watch a movie would be fun. I would totally go do that. That would be entertaining for me. It depends on the movie. I mean, something like this, like Multiverse or one of the movies I also think that I would enjoy, which I'm not going to get into any specifics. We're going to leave this dangling out into the ether there. But I can't believe I'm going to watch this movie for future episode. I'll say it then, but I'll say it again, too. Now. I didn't really even attempt. No, that's the crazy part. You really didn't do it. You just made a compelling argument for an overall idea. And it was like, all right, fine. I made a compelling argument in a kind of jokey way. And it was just kind of like, you fucking like, okay, well, shit, you make a whole lot of sense. I do. And broken clocks, right? Twice a day.

Participant #1:
Thank you for watching 60 Minutes, will you? All right. Did we just spoof our own show on a spoof episode? Yes, I'm doing good. It wouldn't be 60 Minutes. It would be fucking like, welcome to 180 minutes for us. Yes. Especially ironic coming off one of our shortest episodes ever. Well, not ever, but shorter, comparatively speaking. You know what? I'm not going to lie. I have a feeling where this one is going to be even shorter. I think it's going to be right around the same. If not sure. I agree with you. I definitely do and I think this is alerting curve on us. I think whenever we do a thing where it's like we talk about specifically comedies, we don't want it to be you and me being like, hey, remember when it was funny when he said this line, yeah, I was funny. And then we do that for an hour. It's just like, wow, it was really not that compelling. All these movies just need auto because that seems to be what gets us to talking. Seriously. Well, look, I do have something that I could put in some filler. Oh, no, we'll be all right. And if we need it, we'll talk. But let's get into this. Let's get into what we're going to talk about. Last episode, we talked about the Airplane and then Airplane Two, the sequel, which, by the way, from a marketing perspective, they absolutely missed something that I noticed when I was looking at the box art for the sequel. Well, first off, they did something wrong and they missed out an opportunity. The thing they did wrong or just stupid was that they actually made them. They just tied a second knot in the airplane. Like the first airplane is an airplane with a knot in the middle of it. The second one is just two knots in one plane. That's kind of stupid. But they're both called Airplane. Well, the first one is called Airplane with an explanation point. Right. They should have made the two explanation points. So they could have still called it Airplane Two, the sequel. But Airplane explanation point exclamation point, the sequel would have been or go the Cameron route and call it Airplanes, I guess. Yeah. But then you would need a second vehicle. I think for the Spoof, you would need the second one. I don't know. Anyway. Well, in terms of titles, I actually do appreciate the sequel title for this one, which is Hotshots Part D. Yeah. I've been trying to rack my brain ahead of time of what we will call them. Oh, I haven't already. But we'll talk after I have an idea.

Participant #1:
So the Hotshots franchise is our discussion topic tonight. Is it even a franchise? It's really just two movies. I think anything more than one technically qualifies as a franchise. I think something that's still making money. Qualifies as a franchise. Well, they still make money, I'm sure of it. I would say. Yeah, because we bought them. That's it. They're all sudden. Abrams is just like, Holy shit, I got a checker in California. I got a 15 cent check. No, I think honestly, more than you realize. I think these make more money than you think. At least the first one. Okay. I think the first one does. But I also have to tell you re watching the second one for the first time in years. I actually liked it better than I thought I would. I remember really not liking the second one very much and found myself going. It's actually not as bad as I thought it was. I'm not saying it's a great thing. I still like the first one better. Okay. So my opinion is I think they're both funny, but I think I actually like the second one more. Let me explain why. Yes, please. It's purely for the fact that I'm a bigger Rainbow fan, that I am a Top Gun fan. That's really it. Okay. And the irony is that I think it's the exact opposite for why I feel the way I do. Listen, we talked on the last one about not really caring about continuity in Spoofs, but I have some real issues with the continuity in these two. I really do. Are you specifically talking about Ryan Styles? I'm talking about not just Ryan Styles, but yes, that's one of them. I have a problem with the way they handle Topper. I have a problem with the way they handled Ramada. I have a problem with Saddam. I'm sure most people had a problem with Saddam. You're not the only one. No, that's true. And I share that problem with the rest of the world. But I'm talking about specifically within this franchise I have a problem with. Weirdly enough, this is like another random fucking movie, like a comedy movie where they just annihilate Saddam because we didn't even talk about in the South Park movie. But like Saddam is the bad guy. We really glossed over. The whole plot of that was good. Yeah. Which didn't really work, but whatever. First of all. So you're right. If you're a Top Gun fan, I think you'll lean to the first one. And if you're a Rainbow fan or I wouldn't even argue because I would argue that's the other thing I would say I don't like about the difference between the two. Right. The first one specifically is going after Top Con. There's not much deviation from the fact that it's a spoof off Top Gun. Right. For the most part, little things here and there, but as a whole, it's pretty much that. The second one I feel like is spoofing multiple movies with maybe Rainbow at a base. But I would say you're including probably the first Predator to some degree just minus the alien. But I would say Topper is a mixture of Arnold from that and Rainbow. More Rainbow. If we're printing percentages, I'm going like 80 20 here Rainbow, but it's more specifically, if you're going to pull a Schwarzenegger film out, it's them Spoofing Commando at best. Okay. I haven't seen Commando, so I can't speak to that. Commando is for Schenegger's Rambo two. And that's really what I would clarify is that it's not specifically Spoofing Rambo First Blood, which is Rambo one. Right. It's really Spoofing Rambo two, and three is really what it is. Right. But then you also get little throws to Terminator T two specifically. I actually thought that was really funny. I mean, it's funny, but they went across the board. Here a little more on the second one. I would argue that a lot of what they're doing is they're actually spoofing just your traditional 80s classic action films before it was like Loaded Weapon National, who's Loaded Weapon One. Right. And weirdly enough, they're kind of like double Downing on Paul Verhoven's films, which is they reference Total Recall as well as RoboCop. Yes. Those are the two. They were referenced specifically and Basic Instinct. And there's a whole Basic Instinct fucking like Spoof. And I'm like, wow, they really are just double Downing on spoofing Paul Verhoven. Okay, so he did all three. I didn't even know that. So he did all three. I think he did all three. I may be wrong about one of them, but I'm pretty sure he did Basic Instinct and I'm pretty sure he did Total Recall. Well, I will check while we're talking here and there's another RoboCop reference, if I can. Miguel Ferrara in Hotshots Part Two is like the first. He's like in RoboCop one. Okay. I didn't know that, but I'm a big fan of Miguel Ferrera, actually. You know he passed away, right? I did know that. Yeah. He actually passed away while he was filming NCIS Los Angeles. He was on the show, really? And died while he was filming. But I believe he had a stroke as well at some point prior to that. That sounds familiar. I know what ultimately killed him, I believe, was cancer, but I think he had a stroke as a result of the cancer. Anyway, the point is that they wrote all that into the show, not what he was actually dealing with, but him having the stroke. They didn't write him having a stroke. Like he ended up getting shot on a mission or something. Sure. And then he went on another mission and didn't come back from that one. And that's how they wrote him out of the story. But they did it very respectfully. I may not be doing it justice. If you're a fan of the show and you watched it, you were like, okay, they did a good job of paying him homage. Do you know who his family connections were? Do you know who his family was? I don't. So his mother was Rosemary Clooney. Oh, okay. His father was. Oh, fuck it's blank for error. What the fuck is his name? It's like Juan or something. I can't remember what his father's name was, but it was Rosemary Clooney's husband, which means his first cousins was George Clooney. There you go. Yeah. Okay. So to our other point. Yes, he did direct Basic Instinct, Total Recall and RoboCop. Oh, wow. He did all three. He also did Hollowman, I believe that. And Starship Troopers. He definitely did Starship Trooper. Troopers. Starship Trooper is so similar in terms of style to RoboCop. He's also done a bunch before and after. But in reference to what we're kind of talking about those are the ones that are kind of important, I think. Okay. So I know I'm in the lower demographic in this, but I'm really just not a fan of Talk Gun. I watched it and I understand the appeal of it. I'm not saying it's a bad movie. It's just not my movie. And I think Tom Cruise is great, and I think Valer is you do? Because I thought you didn't like Tom. I don't like Tom as a person. Oh, that's right. You keep having to correct me on that. I apologize. That's me. But yeah, that's okay. Yeah. I think Tom is a great actor. I think he is a star. I've been a bigger advocate of defending him over Hoffman in Rain Man. I always say you have a harder job. Yeah, you definitely have said that a couple of times. But I guess it's just like I don't give a fuck about, quote, unquote military movies to the extent, unless it's like a war film, really. But I'm kind of bored of like the Academy training movies. You know what I mean? With the exceptional Police Academy, which I'm sure undoubtedly will fucking do at some point. I love those. I know the latter ones are, especially after Steve Guttenberg leaves, are pretty terrible. Yeah. I mean, I'll have to take your word for it, because I don't think I've actually sat and watched a Police Academy movie from beginning to middle end. I think I've seen a bunch of them over the course of like, TV, and I don't even know which ones I've seen. I know I saw. I think the first one where he gets the hooker to blow the Dew when he's giving a speech. Yeah. I'm pretty sure I've seen one, two and three all the way through, start to finish. But I think that's the only ones I've seen in one sitting anyway. But yeah, we're getting way off here. Undoubtedly, when Top Gun to Maverick comes out, I'm sure it's a probability that you and I want to do a deep dive and I'll rewatch Top Gun then I would like to, because I know you're a fan. I am. But I also know. Listen, I'm also the first. Here's the thing, though. There's something about Top Gun fans, and I think it's important to talk about this a little bit and we can get into it again if and when we do a deep dive of the film. But there are some Top Gun fans who are like almost religiously devoted to that film. Right. And I am certainly not one of those people. I enjoy the film. I like the film. I think I enjoy it. I definitely enjoy it more than you and probably more than most. I'm somewhere in that middle ground between the religiously devoted and you know what I mean? You're protesting. You're not Catholic. A little ironic being in its Easter today,

Participant #1:
but I can look at Top Gun and I can watch Top Gun and go, okay, I can find the holes. I can point out the things that are like, that's not right, you know what I mean? But it doesn't matter because I'm just about enjoying the film and I do and I'm fearful a little bit about Maverick, honestly, that they're going to go a little more realistic with it because I think some of the stuff that people point out as problems is kind of what gave the first one a bit of its charm in a way, you know what I mean? What? Which is what? It was not highly realistic. Well, just the things. The one scene everyone points out to, and I don't want to do a deep analysis of an hour is the volleyball scene and Tom's playing volleyball in jeans on the beach. And that would never happen like that kind of shit, you know what I mean? Or just the need for that scene at all, you know what I mean? The need for speed. Exactly. I see what you did there. But yeah, those things apparently aren't those are some of the problems that people have with the film. And I get it. I think I just haven't seen it in so fucking long. I think I saw it when I was like 15. So it's been like 15 years. I think I watched it six months ago. I mean, sometimes that's one of those movies I'll just get in the mood for be like, I want to watch Hopgun and I'll put Topgon you're in the mood for. You get the lights down low, you get the channels high. You get your fucking little bubbly and fucking watch Iceman and Maverick and fucking dittle yourself. Yes, thank you. You did that better than I did. I'm a better chomper. Apparently, they ignored some of that stuff in this movie, which I liked, you know what I mean? Like, they didn't go for all the low hanging fruit when they were doing this, but the spoofs they did do I liked. I mean, like when he's driving to the airbase for the first time and you have the scene with Ramona Ramada on the horse and you have him on the motorcycle. That's a bit of a spoof of a scene of Tom driving next to a plane, which actually also referenced and then he hits like 20 speed bumps, which is kind of funny, you know what I mean? Yeah, go ahead. No go. I will acknowledge that if you're going to spoof Tom Cruise, Charlie Sheen is the way to go. I would say, especially at the time in the 90s, if you're going to do it the other way, you could have done it if it was later 90s. Like, if they had done this in anywhere between 95 and early 2000. As much as I don't like them, that's your guy especially. Yes. Because we did talk about the whole Mission Impossible thing, about how he's been doing a Tom Cruise impression for fucking ever. Yeah. And as much as I may not be a fan, he would have done a good job. I can't argue that reality. Yeah, he would have fit in that mold. Charlie Sheen. Though the irony is, like, Charlie Sheen has always been competing with Tom Cruise for roles forever. And then he gets the spoofy roles. Sure, I can't be in Top Gun, but I can make fun of Top Gun. It's so funny, especially since his costar was in Rain Man with Tom. So it's probably like Valeria Golino was the woman in Rainman with Tom Cruise, and she plays Ramada. It's been so long since I've seen Rain Man. Honestly, it's been years. There's no confirmation. But it wouldn't surprise me if he, like, went up to Valeria and he was just like, hey, how did Tom do it? Like this. Her thick Italian Greek accent. She's like, explaining how Charlie can be Tom. I got to tell you, she was one of my first crushes.

Participant #1:
Yeah. I don't blame you. And honestly, I was thinking about it when I was watching this over again. I think that was one of the first sex scenes I've ever seen. Okay. Yeah. Because I don't want to make my mom the butt of all these jokes, but we've talked her last couple of episodes about her thing about PG 13 and all that kind of thing. But she also was really like, she was hesitant to have HBO in the house for a while and stuff like that just because I was so young. And as I got older, she got more okay with it. I remember I think we got it right around the time Batman came out, when we got HBO. So I was about 910 years old, you know what I mean? All your goddamn stories go back to Batman. Do they know it's a pivotal moment there, buddy? You don't like it as much as you did? No, I don't, because they've made better one since. Although I got no argument about that yesterday because a friend of mine and I won't out this person, but they were like, oh, God, I hate

Participant #1:
Nolan. No, I hate Nolan, and I hate what he did with Batman. Hates the Nolan trilogy. Yes. And I didn't get to get into it with this person, so I didn't get to find out why. Exactly. You're more of a defender of the Nolan verse. I'm in the middle because I'm like, Bobby begins in Dark Night are great. Got a lot of issues. No. Then we're on the same boat, buddy, because I feel the same way about Rises. I mean, there's some high moments in there, but as a whole, yeah, there are some real problems, and I still maintain it. I think if he's Ledger, I had not died, it would have been a very different film. But that's just what it is. Let's go back to Topcom because we'll be fucking talking Batman for hours. Yeah, I could talk Batman for hours. Thank you, Nick. No, but I do. I think that's the first sex scene I ever saw and you can't even really call it that. But like at twelve I didn't know anything. Are you talking for hot shots or are you talking for Top guns? Hotshots. Okay, yeah, I'm talking about the food scene. Well, not just the alum going all the way back to the part of the actual refrigerator. Do you know that the olive was actually done as you see on film? Oh, it had to be. I can't imagine. The rumor is that they did it with no fucking trickery, no CGI, none of that shit. But they actually did it on at least two or three takes, which is super impressive. I'm going to sound like I'm making a joke. Are you talking about the part where she sucks out the middle of it or popping because there's no way they pop that out of her belly button because you don't see it. Take that line. Apparently they fucking flipped the olive from her belly bun into her mouth and then that was done without any trickery. See, I don't believe that. I don't believe that at all. No, I'm not saying that you're lying. I'm saying I believe that you read what you read and that's what you're reporting. I also believe that that's a bunch of bullshit because the only way I would believe that is if you saw because the camera swings and there's a cut there. I can believe they hit the hitter belly button and made the thing pop out enough to go, okay, cut. And then they did a take where they filmed her and threw an olive at her and she caught it in her mouth. I can believe that all day. I don't remember there being a cut. I remember being in one take. Was it? I think so. But look, either way, if you're ever going to get a woman to catch a fucking Calamata olive from her belly button, it's going to be an Italian Greek Lady. So automatically I think Italians just have like that olive magnet in their mouth and it's just I was more impressed with her ability to suck the pit out of it because the hole on the backside, that's really tiny though. I've done that from that side. Yeah, okay. I don't like olives. I love olives, so I've done that. It's not always been successful. I've had a fucking olive in the back of the throat like a fucking amateur porn star. I've Detroit a fucking olive or too. Yeah, I don't like olives. I even get my martinis without olives. I'm like, no, you want your fucking marches cleaner than anything? Oh, absolutely. Yeah. Clean, no olives. Apparently it is one where you can get it with those little baby onions. I forget what they're called. Shallop. No, there's a name for it. Pearl onion. Yes. You can get one with a Pearl onion instead of the olive. And it's a different name. Martini. It's still a Martini, but it's got a name, and I cannot think of it. Yeah. Martini. That gives you bad fucking breath. Yeah. Okay. Well, anyway, a Mantini. Yeah. Actually, my favorite part of that scene, though, is the pizza. The pizza is pretty fucking funny. I've always enjoyed that part of that scene. For whatever reason, when he rolls it up and licks it like a cigarette, seals it, and she takes a bite out of it immediately. That remind me of The Simpsons. There's a part where Homer and Ned are like, it's when the school gets Blizzard over and he has to get his Mr. Plow to fucking save the kids. And he and Nettle in the car and he rolls up a fucking slice of pizza and swallows it whole. I mean, a slice on a whole pizza. And he shoves it in Flanders'mouth. And he's like, oh, he's like, all right, now wait for it to unroll in your stomach. He's like, that's kind of what it reminded me. Exactly. Yeah. I will also tell you that that whole sequence from where it starts is why I love a woman and nothing but a dress shirt with wet hair guarantee it. Okay. I don't know why it's like that is a huge thing for me at this point. Hey, man, here, wear this dress shirt, go out in the rain, come back in. I'm ready. Or how about take a shower and put on this dress shirt as opposed to go out in the rain? Okay. Anyway, the point is that I think that light for me comes directly from that scene. Like, to this day, you just want to cover a woman in bacon and just watch her sizzle it, don't you? Yes. Little sizzling belly. That whole part, I was like, okay, the joke is getting almost too much. And I thought it was funny, but I thought it was even funnier at the end where he holds up, like, a steak or something. At the end of it, she holds up two pieces of bacon, and then he holds up two steaks instead. And her look on her face. Yeah. I was like, oh, sure. Italians never going to turn down food and sex at the same time. So let's do it. I also like the Native American language that they created, basically. Yeah, that was funny. And I'm not going to be like, oh, you can't say that nowadays, but I think they would have a harder time with that particular scene. I wonder. I thought about that when I was watching it, and I think it would have been worse if they were actually trying to do something authentic. But it's so far over here to the left. That's why I don't think it's as bad. Do you understand what I'm saying? Sure, I agree. And I thought it was funny. I thought what was even funnier was in Hotshots, too, where they're all yelling, Geronimo, Geronimo, and then a fucking Native American me. I thought that was fucking funny. But going back to I don't remember all of it, but one of the lines I remember is the subtitle says, I fell in love with a girl, but she threw me a curve. And he ends the sentence with her scheduler. Now, for people younger, that probably doesn't mean anything, but Hershechiser was a pitcher with a mean ass fucking curveball. His name is Oral Hersheyzer. You know what I mean? They're not just throwing out random words. They actually found words that kind of at least line up with what the subtitles are saying. Right? So that's why I think it's okay. You know what I mean? They're not just saying Pocahontas, Toronto, Sakajoia, right. Just throwing in random German. Not even that. But when he needs batteries, he goes Tito Germaine, like he's talking about.

Participant #1:
I feel like that even in a world where they weren't worried about political correctness, I think at that point they still walk that line really well. Do you know what I mean? So that's why I don't have a problem with it. I actually had a bigger problem with some of the Middle Eastern language they do in part two than I did with the Native American language they did in the first one. Ironically enough, I felt like they didn't ramp that up or amp that up as much as I thought they were going to. No, but they definitely are making fun. I still think one of the best visual gags of part two is it shows a map of the Middle East and it says Iraq, and then next to it, a hard place, there's a little bit of a space and then hard. Yeah, I saw that, too. I thought that was the one of the jokes of part two. And ultimately part one is the visual shit that's like happening in the background. Yes. Like the ones that you have to think about. Great example. When President Benson, when fucking Lloyd Bridges again. Well, that's kind of Abrams, right? Yeah. I mean, you would expect Leslie Neilson at that point. At that point now with Bridges still being alive and well. Yeah. If he had been ill or something, then yes, I would agree with you. You know what I mean? Or if he had said no for some reason, then yes. Right. And for continuity sake, it makes sense for the character. He's a fucking naval Admiral, and then he becomes President. You don't have to go through super logics of like, how did he get elected President? Well, listen, there are plenty of presidents who have been elected. You're like, how the fuck did he get elected? Well, there you go. Right. Exactly. But when he's shoveling the dirt with the other previous presidents all the way up to, like Nixon. Yeah. Going back to Nixon not up too. Yeah, it was Reagan, it was Carter, it was Nixon and him and Ford specifically. I'm saying specifically Gerald Ford, because one, they say it and they show him. But Benson is bashing the people accidentally with the fucking shovel behind him and he never wants his Ford. But then Ford falls backwards by himself. And I was like, oh, they're making a fucking joke about how the Ford was just kind of a clumsy dude. Like, Ford fell and tripped and got this media reputation that he was a clumsy fuck. That's what they were doing. I looked it up on IMDb and that's exactly what it was. They're like, he never once gets hit or even have a dirt throw in his face, but he just falls by himself. Yeah. By the way, if they did it now, it would have been Bush apparently Abram, here's something that's going to make you unhappy. I was looking up for something else, but they wanted Brando instead of Bridges. I did read that as the President. Look, my criticism of Brando specifically is that the regard that he is the world's greatest actor. He was the world's greatest actor, which I don't agree with. But I do acknowledge that he had a wicked sense of humor that goes hand in hand with my feelings for him is because I found him incredibly unprofessional as an actor, but because he was joking too much and he didn't commit, he's like, I just do the method. Like, no, dude, you need to learn your fucking lines. That's all we need you to do is learn your fucking lines and open your fucking mouth. They wanted him to play like the priest at the beginning of Scary Movie Two when they were spoofing The Exorcist and he signed on for it, but he was too like, I guess his health concerns, but they still paid him like a million dollars for like a 510 minutes scene. Well, I mean, not to get a whole thing, but didn't he get the same for Superman? Something like that? He got like two or $3 million for playing 20 minutes. So I have to tell you something that's really funny that I did not notice. And I even watched the credits based on you telling me about this as troupe hiding stuff in the credits, even though this one's only Abrams, right. So I did make sure to watch. But I noticed something right now, looking at the cast for your Ford thing that I did not notice. And I'm wondering if you caught this too, and this joke won't hit you as much as it'll hit me. But still, every female character that has a name. So there's several in here that don't have names, but all the ones that have names, they gave the middle name of Rodham. Yeah. Which is bloody hysterical. Now, for those of you who don't know what that is, I want to explain what that means after Bill Clinton got elected and became President, Hillary started going by Hillary Rodham Clinton. Rodham is, I believe, her maiden name. That got really pushed the White House, for reasons that are still really unknown to this day, made a real big fucking deal out of her being Rodham Clinton instead of just Hillary Clinton. I think during the 90s, it was trying to push feminism, which you and I are both all four, but it was poorly done in real life. Well, look, Stefan, I discussed this, and I think you and I even discussed it. She's damaged. She did. She did it as she did. If she just chose Hillary Clinton, some people would be like, oh, you're just taking that man's name, blah, blah, blah. And it's like, okay, well, I'll do Hillary Rodham Clinton. It's like, no, you're just too much of an angry feminist. Like, Jesus Christ, read on the fuck alone without getting the whole thing. I don't think her taking the name is a problem, and I honestly don't have a problem with it. But I had a problem with this, how hard they pushed it because you're probably too young to remember. But I remember. I remember mainly because dad was a huge Hillary fan, okay? So I was aware of it. I don't mean that to be disrespectful, but this first movie literally comes out almost a month to the day after you're born. You're real young at this point. Even for the second one, I definitely was aware of Hillary and her fucking names after the facts, right? That's something. But I remember that when I actually pushed it. I can remember when that was a thing, you know what I mean? And they didn't handle that well. In any event, that's pretty fucking funny. It got to the point where I was so young at one point that I was watching the news with my dad when I was like five, and they're talking about like, they would say her name is Hillary Rodham. And I'm like, Hillary Clinton. And then Hillary Rodham Clinton. I'm like. And I asked dad, I'm like, Who's Hillary Rodham? And he's like, It's Hillary Clinton. I didn't understand maiden names and last names. Sure. That definitely is an early memory of mine. I just noticed something else, too. They changed Ramada's last name from movie to movie. They did in Hot Shots. One She's Ramada Thompson play by the time. Well, sure, but in the second one, She's Ramada Hayman. I don't even think at one point they even say her last name now. I think it was written on something like, Besides, wait, what was her husband? It was Dexter something. Is that his last name? I'm trying to confirm that now. That's what I was thinking, too. Maybe that's why they did it. But it's still. Why not just give him the last name Thompson? Like, it's so weird. Or not even worry about the last name at all. You know what I mean, right? I'm trying to find him. I know who it is. It's Rowan Atkinson. I'm just trying to find him in here, which I'm going to say, listen, you know, I'm a massive fucking fan of Rowan Atkinson. I love a stand up. His character's last name is Hayman, so that would explain the change. It's still kind of stupid. Listen, there are continuity issues, but go ahead. You were saying? I'm a massive Roan Atkinson fan. I've been talking about Blackouter since you and I fucking first recorded together. I love Mr. Bean and I love Roan Atkinson's stand up. I didn't know. I've never seen him do stand up. I'm not saying he doesn't, but I've never seen it. He did sort of solo sketch stand up where he would do bits Got You and there would be intermissions in between Got you. So there's one that there's a classic one he does where he is Satan, and he comes out wearing horns and a fucking Cape. And he says, it's very proper English, Ron Atkinson. And he's like, hello, and welcome. This, as I'm sure you're aware, is, Hell, I am Satan, but you can all call me Toby. We try to keep things a little informal as well as infernal here. That's just a little joke. And then he pulls out a list. He's like, all right, so you are all here for eternity, which I could tell you all is a heck of a long time. And then he says, all right, we're going to try and organize these people. Christians. Yes. I'm sorry. The Jews were right. He's decimating the fucking everybody. Yes. And he's like, Christians, if you can go over there, the Germans, I think you can go over there. And the French, please. All the French, please go and hang out the Germans. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about. So he goes, and it's a brilliant fucking routine. That being said, Rowan Atkinson was not funny and not all fucking needed for this movie. No, I have to agree. And I am a fan, too. Maybe not to love all that you are. And that's not a shot. I'm just saying. I know you're. Yeah, you like them. I definitely like them. But I have to agree with you. Yeah. Rowan was not at all needed. Ultimately, none of those jokes were funny. No, they really weren't. There was one I thought was kind of funny, but then I agree with you. The rest of it was kind of dumb. And the thing I thought it was funny was like, I can't walk? And they're like, Why? They tied my shoelaces together? And I don't know, to me, that was actually kind of funny. But then after that, it just falls apart. I agree. If they had included, like, another joke, instead of Charlie Sheen saying a knot, those bastards, he should have said, and they double knotted it or something. I think if you're going to go that route, you amp up the joke, but then he's, like, carrying him and then ultimately he fucking dies. Allah, Wali, coyote for no reason. And it's just like, they just talk shit. He's like, he really was a prick and like, what? You fucking came to rescue this fuck? Yeah, right. I agree. That's definitely the lowest part of part two, talking about the continuity. And I'll get to my issues in a minute. But the one piece of continuity that I did like that they kept through both movies, even though some of it changed, which I'm okay with, like, this is one of the things that they change that I'm all right with is the different fake body parts that Benson has and the reason he has them. So I think in one and two, they cite the same body part at some point. It's two different things and two different reasons, but I genuinely don't give a shit about that. I think that's fine. I'll even go as far as to say that because he's the one saying it and he's clearly bad shit crazy, probably due to his injuries that he just doesn't remember. Yeah, agreed. Yeah, I got this in Kilimanjaro. Or was that Japan? The one with the Indians? It's like, well, I mean, not Indians are in either of them, but like, okay, yeah, the ones with the. I just imagine him. How the fuck did he get elected? Like, that's my point. Right? Well, yes, vote for me. You'll always get a different answer. I like that. I like a spontaneous President. He thinks because his feet have brains in them for, like, shrapnel or some shit. Yes, I love the duck and I love duck. Or is it soup? The one you don't shoot? He is funny. Lloyd Bridges was a fucking treasure. He really was. I agree. I absolutely agree. I wouldn't go as far as to call him Gold treasure, but he was a treasure. He's one of those ancient Roman artifacts. Like, this could be worth something. Is this worth something? He had some great lines, though, in both films. He really does. When they confront the guys that were the cause of the sabotage on the planes, he's like, you put American soldiers lives in danger. That's my job. And any punches, you know what I mean? Or the whole sequence about the hat. When it's hat blows off, we got to go back and circle around. Get the hat, sir, it's just the hat. Well, then, Jones. I forget the guy's name, but send Jones out in a life phone, have him circle that hat, and we'll pick them up on the way back. So it could be days. Put some food in the life raft. Do I have to think of everything? Or when he falls down the stairs, he goes, I tripped on the crab. Who put that crab there, sir? There were no crab. No, there were two crabs. They work in pairs and he's so quick with it. He's so quick with it. You're absolutely right. And there's like when he's talking to, like wash out, he's like, looks like enemy aircraft at 12:00. Really? 12:00. Well, that gives us about 25 minutes to go stuff out for a burger. Yeah, exactly. Or we're ready to strike the enemy at 600. Wake me up at 530. And you know he's not meaning 530, which is what you would say if you wanted to give it 530. But it's that draw out of the. Oh, that, you know, he's not referring to it the right way. Or when he walks into the first briefing with the fucking German balloon pants. There's a name for that type of pants. I can't think of what it is right now, but he's like, let's get the elephant in the room out of the way. I'm sure you're wondering what's going on with the pants. They ran out of material they got to need, so don't give me any shit about it.

Participant #1:
There's one that I would argue, like I could see, like Carlin writing, which was like, oh, by the way, I would like to thank you for having us over for dinner the other night. Shaun. I thought the stroganoff was marvelous. But sir, we didn't have dinner the other night. Really? Where the hell was I? And who is this? Cheryl back. It doesn't matter. I've seen Carlin's, old man, but it's just exactly that. And sticking with the continuity, but in a good way. The continuity errors. In a good way. You meet the wife in the second movie and her name is Lavinia. It's not Cheryl, which why would they go for that fucking name? I'm more curious why they didn't keep it. Cheryl. Maybe it's a different woman. I mean. Well, he did have her almost arrested for treason in the first ten minutes. Or espionage. Maybe she's the double. Maybe she's like his wife's double. Like Trump had the life model decoy. Yeah. And he just confuses the two. He's just like Lavinia, Cheryl, whatever. That is so funny. He is really good, though. He really is. Yeah. There's another movie I'm pretty sure they did called Mafia. I think we did talk about in the previous you mentioned it brief. And Lloyd Bridges, I think it's his last movie. I think it was like the last movie he ever did. And he's playing like the Don Vito Corleone old mobster role. Like to the point. Remember in Godfather Juan, where Vito Corleone dies with his grandson in the garden and everything? Yeah. And he does the Orange Peel and scares his grandson. Yes. So in Mafia, he does it with a slice of watermelon and it makes his whole fucking face like rotesquely huge and shit. So Mafia was Abrams. Just Abrams, though. None of the suckers. Just like this. Yeah, just like this. Lloyd Bridges, as you mentioned, was in it. And it did come out the year before he died. So I think you're right. I'm looking now. It's kind of nice that his last movie was at least a collaboration with Abrams. It does look like. I don't know how they must use archive footage because there's a movie called Meeting Daddy. He's in from 2000. Yeah. They must have used archive footage or he filmed it. That's what I was going to say. He filmed it before he died because then we talk about Brandon Lee has a film like that that comes out like 20 years after he died because he filmed it years ago and they didn't finally get it made until 2010 or some shit. I mean, isn't Tupac still releasing new shit? No, he stopped finally. His last album is probably about 15. He's finally retired. Yeah. He's on that island somewhere with Elvis and Biggie. He finally worked his shit out. Elvis is like, you guys got to work your shit out. Yeah. And then apparently Lloyd Bridges was in an episode of Ned and Stacy as himself. And that's from 2017. I don't know what Ned and Stacy is. Ned and Stacy. I don't know what that is either. It's a TV show about Thomas Hayden Church is Ned. Deborah Messing is Stacy. That's all I can tell you.

Participant #1:
Okay, so the show went from 95 to 2017. When was he in it? Does it say when his episode was his episode? Is it's from a 2017 episode called Skippy's Revenge? So I don't understand how that fucking. This is like more magic and movie magic than we can comprehend. Yeah. It's like, is this your card? Oh, shit. How do you do that? My brain hurts. But let's talk about the continuity. The continuity issues I do have. Okay. The biggest one being Topper. Okay. Essentially, he goes from the Navy to the army in this movie. Maybe he just learned he didn't like to swim. You don't do that. You kind of pick one. Yeah, but here's the RNA. Right. He's in the Navy in part one, at least in the scenes before when he meets with General Walter, I'm trying to find his name right now. If he was General Kernel or whatever, when they come to see him and he's doing the fight with the nails on the ground. Well, he has sprinkles other guys got the nails. Yeah. Right. And that guy is clearly an Army Ranger, and he's like, we worked together before, so fine, whatever. But then when he shows up at the Benson thing for the Emperor of Japan or the Prime Minister of Japan, he's wearing a naval formal uniform. Well, maybe

Participant #1:
I think you are thinking too much into it. But here's my point is Richard Crenna, who plays the general or whatever, who tries to recruit him. Richard Crona is basically reprising his character from the Rainbow films. What he's doing is exactly what he did in the Rainbow films, which is. All right, rainbow. We need you to go and rescue some people and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he even went to Stallone and says, hey, these guys want me to make fun of like what we did where I play the dude who tries to recruit you. How do you feel about that? Absolutely. That'd be hilarious. Not only by the look, but he also does a spoof of it when he's like the gun scene. Like when he's shooting and he does the drops. Yeah.

Participant #1:
Charlie also does a pretty halfway decent rocking impression in the first one when they're yeah, it's a halfway decent impression. Look, I'm sorry, most people can do a halfway decent rocking pressure, but not everyone can do the age rate and yell really well. Like you can yell it and you can get that deeper tone, but you can't get the whole facial expression with a little bit of the mumble. You know what I mean? He nails that pretty good. I think you just have to say a normal word backwards in salon's voice and it comes out Adrian. All right. Say Penelope backwards Adrian. There you go. I love you, panopoly.

Participant #1:
Yeah. There's that whole thing. There's the fact that they obviously kill Saddam at the end of the first one. There's no way he lives through that. There's no way. I'm sorry. You're right. There's no way. There's also no way. But there is a way. If he's liquid metal. Well, okay, sure. But then there's also no way that he would if he is liquid metal, if he's a fucking Saddam 1000 that he would survive just dying at the end of part due they're like, all right, well, he's a dog now.

Participant #1:
That's funny. In A Rocky Werewolf in London. Yeah. Getting back to one, though, as a whole lot of great people, I saw for the first time, honestly, in that movie, I think that was my introduction to Charlie Sheen. I'm pretty sure. I think my first introduction to Charlie, she was probably Ferris to Buller. But I didn't know it was Charlie Sheen. Right. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, I would agree. I can't say that for Lloyd Bridges because I know I saw Airplane before I saw Hotshots. But to your point, even though Lloyd Bridges character and Airplane is prominent, I don't think I recognized it until I saw after I watched Hotshots and saw Airplane again, I was like, oh, it's that guy. You know what I mean? Right. But William O'Leary for sure, the guy that plays Dead meat because he ends up playing Tim Allen's brother on Home Improvement, he plays his younger brother and has a reoccurring. Right. I forgot about that. And I remember the first time he shows up on a Home Improvement, I'm like, oh, it's dead meat because I knew him from this before I ever saw that. Carrie always because I never watched The Princess Bride, I was aware I actually had forgotten Carrie. Ellen was in the first top Hot Shot, I also talked around. I thought, I mean, I remember seeing Princess Brian when I was a kid, but I didn't like it then. I actually thought it was really boring. I was Fred Savage. I was like, this is boring. It's all about kissing. I was also really sick. The irony is bounds there because the kids sick. Right? But it didn't hit me until I was like, maybe ten. I was like, okay, this is actually pretty good. But I was fully aware of Teriya's from Robin Hood. See, the Robin Hood had come out. Yet when I saw it for me, when I saw Robin Hood Men in Tights, I was like, oh, what's the guy from Hotshots, you know what I mean? That was for me. But I'll go one even further. There was a Jungle Book adaptation. It was just Disney's Jungle Book from 93 or 94, okay? And it's got Jason Scotty, a Chinese American, playing an Indian fucking kid. Sure, whatever. But it's a live action Jungle Book, and it's done so seriously, especially for Disney back in the 90s, Carrie El was plays like the Pompous villain, and I remember him just being such a prick and he gets fucked up by Cod Snake. It's really scary. And I kind of feel that way about him in this movie because it's the first thing I saw him in Pompous Prick. And obviously he's doing his best Iceman there because that's what it's meant to be. He does a great Val Kilmer like parody. And then John Crier. First time I saw John Cryer, I think, honestly, the first time I saw John Cryer, Ironica was Two and a Half Men. Okay, that makes sense. Which is weird because it's like Hotshots is kind of like the precursor to Two and a Half Men because it's Charlie Sheen, it's John Cryer, and it's Ryan Styles. Yeah, you're right. His brother in law or something. No, he plays the new boyfriend for the new husband for John Cryer's ex wife. I think, though, if we're going to be fair and honest about this, you're not wrong making the connection you're making. I'm not arguing that. But if we're being fair about it, because in the first one, there's no scenes with Charlie or John and Ryan Styles. But in the second one, Charlie and Ryan worked together quite a bit. But John Crier not at all included. No, but I'm guessing Charlie's the one that had the poll. So when they needed someone to play the new husband, he went, hey, let's get Ryan stock. That was Charlie's call, potentially because of this over John. And it sounds like he reached it sounds like Crier was chosen for Two and a half in Walsh lead due to Charlie Sheen. I think they developed a friendship over the years. Yeah, I believe. I'm glad John Cryer finally embraced his ball spot for you, but he pulls it off like he looks good with the ball lot. He handles that well. I love how so many people have confused him with Matthew Broderick. Really? Over the years. Yeah, I don't think I've noticed. Especially when they were both, like, doing what they were doing in the 80s. Pretty and pink and Ferris Bueller. And for John Hughes, shit, everybody thought, wow, Ferris Bueller does not look good these days. Like, vice versa. Speaking of Bueller, because there's a connection to the first one, and I cannot place this for the life of me. But Christie Swanson, who plays Kolwski in this, is in Ferris Bueller. Yeah. And I can't place her at all. I've been trying. She's one of the teenagers who is like, I think she's the one who's on the phone with Ferris when he's pretending to be sick and he does the keyboard. I know she's a student. Well, no, I could tell that, too. I was thinking she might be one of

Participant #1:
Ben Stein's Bueller, and then she's in that city, but I think she actually specifically says something.

Participant #1:
Okay, I thought she was the one that says because someone does say to Stein, eventually, oh, he's out. Like, they eventually do tell him. So he doesn't keep going Bueller. And I think she might be the one that does it. She's one of those students, but I think she also could be the one who's going up to like, hey, would you like to donate to her? Yeah, but she had a name, Simone, and I can hear Alan Rock in my head saying, Simone. Well, Alan Rock wasn't even in the high school scene. No, but that's what I'm saying. But maybe you're tricking your own ears because the name Sloan sounds similar to Simone. That's true. I hadn't thought of it that way. And that also might be why I was throwing because I remember reading and going, Wait a minute. No, that's not who spent the day with Ferris to be a Sarah. Yeah. So I don't know. It was a weird thing, but, yeah, I really, honestly can't stand Christie Swanson. I really fucking don't like it. That's fine. I don't know enough about her to really carry that. What is it? If you don't want me? She's a Buffy, and that's why you probably don't like her because you saw her Buffy. The Buffy movie. I don't really blame her for that. I blame what the movie is for that because Ironically enough, I defend Joss Whedon. In this instance, they completely destroyed what he was set out to do. But no, politically, she's really. I don't know anything about it. She's so deep in Trump's ass and she came out Orange. Like, that's how bad it is got you. And she's like antivaxxer and she's kind of homophobic and she's fucking bigoted. And it's really just, well, we need to put her down her pedestal and be like, Listen, lady, you're the less popular Buffy. Do you realize this? Right? Listen, Buffy. You're not really Buffy. Yeah. Going back to Kerry. Oh, you're right. He played a great counter to Charlie's Topper that played so well. And Kerry always I've seen over the years is he can be a good actor, but he's not a great actor. He is really good as Wesley in prisons. Pride. He is charming in a kind of neurotic fucking way. In Liar. Liar. Right. Yeah. He's not great, but I think he's meant to be not great. It's not Carrie's performance. It's the problem. It's the character is meant to be kind of, like, irritating. Yeah. He's kind of like the Net Flanders of Here Comes the Claw. What are you doing?

Participant #1:
You're afraid the claw. But he also surprised the fuck out of me when the movie Saw. I know, but it's so bizarre. I'm like, hey, the motherfucker from Princess Bride and Robin Hoodman ties. And Hotshots is in the first Saw movie, and he's the one who's chaining the bathroom with the screenwriter. And it's so bizarre. I give Carrie always respect for choosing his fucking movies the way that he does, because he could have kept doing the spoofy shit forever. Sure. In the same sense that Charlie Sheen kind of did. Charlie Sheen was a very serious actor who kind of got pigeonholed being, like, into the spoofy comedy shit to the point where he was like, he went back to, like, Scary Movie Three. Do you think that's a direct result of something like major League? I think major League and Hotshots for sure. Well, major League was like, three, four years before Hotshot, if not longer. So that's why I asked. Major League is like 85. Is that right? I think it's like 86. 87, but yeah, well, when is Hot Shots? Because Hotshots has got to be 91 hot shots. One is 91. I told you that's a month to the day before. Almost a month to the day before you're born. Yes, but in that context that we're talking about Hotshots too. Two is 93,

Participant #1:
then. Yeah, it's major League, but major League is like a softer spoof compared to, like, oh, compared to this, for sure. Yeah. I think he still was like, I'm a serious actor. I'm Charlie Sheen. I'm Martin Sheets kid, which, by the way, I fucking love that guy. I wanted to get to that. That was brilliant. I do agree. I still fucking think it's one of the funniest things. Like, Martin Sheen is doing his Apocalypse Now monologue, and Charlie is doing his platoon monologue, and they pass by each other like, I love you at Wall Street, and they give each other a thumbs up. I thought it was pure brilliance, but, yeah, I think Charlie Sheen got comfortable. He's like, I don't have to make Shakespeare anymore. I don't have to do platoon. Go ahead. I'm sorry. Finish your thought. I don't have to fucking. I'm Charlie Sheen. I'm winning. I can do whatever the fuck I want I don't have to be in Wall Street anymore. I can just, hey, they want me to be in these fucking kooky comedies. Yeah. And then he had more credibility from Spin City. And then you're like, okay, he actually is more comfortable on TV. And then Two and a Half Men, I like them in Spin City, by the way. I mean, as much as I like Michael J. Fox, I understand why he had to stop. And I feel like Charlie did a good job because at first when they announced that, because I was watching the show as it aired, and I was kind of like, you're going to replace Michael J. Fox. And then Charlie came in and did a good job. Going back to what you were asking, though, major League is 88 nine. So two years before Hotshots. Okay. And in between, you also do have Men at work when it comes to comedies. I never saw Men at Work. It's him and Emilio. It's him and Emilio as garbage men. Okay. I know they also did another movie where they put in, like, porn producers, but I never like, Rated X or something. And then also in the middle of Navy Seals. But was Navy Seals intended to be serious? I believe so. Actually, that's my point. I think you realize. I think honestly, I think Charlie Sheen realized, hey, I'm an actor. Am I a great actor? Not really, but I'm good at making fun of myself. I still think he's great in Wall Street. I really do. I'm not saying he's not great in Wall Street. I'm saying Wall Street is made in 1987. Yeah. He has not done anything as I mean, I'm one of those people that I love Platoon more than Apocalypse Now. I think Apocalypse Now is a great movie. It's just really boring. Platoon is really fucking. He's amazing. Platoon, he's really fucking good. But I also can't tell you what the last great Charlie Sheen movie was. It probably was Platoon or Wall Street. He's also really Good Night Men out. It's not as well known. That's a baseball flick, right? It is a baseball flick about the Chicago White Soxs and the cheating scandal. And he's not one of the major players in it, but he is in it, and he is really good in the role that he plays. I'm sure he would have done anything to be in that movie because he's a huge baseball fanatic. Okay. Obsessive baseball fanatic. Well, that explains why he did the two major League films then as well, right? I'm surprised he didn't do the third one. Honestly, I think he read the script and he was like, hey, man, I got to get ready for, like, real good shit. Like Hotshots part, dude. Well, without getting into a whole thing, I'll tell you, I actually think that the third one is better than the second one, but that's beside the point. I honestly have not seen two and three. I've definitely never seen three, but it's been so long since I've seen two. It's not even really worth me saying I've seen it three stars. Scott Backula. Scott Baculus, your star on that one primarily. Let's not quantum leaps and conclusions here. See, you did that's a thing you did. Yeah, but you're grinning. That's more of a range than a grain. But if you want to. Okay. It's a greenness. Also, my first exposure to Kevin Dunn, by the way, I forgot he was in this. And I like Kevin Dunn. I do, too. Yeah, he's definitely. And I know that's not true, but go ahead, finish your point. He's not the most popular Kevin that we know. No, to me. I mean, I've seen him in other random shit. I'm always like, oh, it's that dude. Well, yeah, that's the thing. This goes back to your point about Charlie Sheen and Ferris Bueller for, like, you didn't realize it was Charlie Sheen, right? Same thing for me with Kevin Dunn, because he's actually in Ghostbusters, too, before this. Okay. I think he lived along as a character actor for a very long time, and I think he actually finally got some recognition with, like, Transformers, Ironically enough. Okay. I can see that they played Chai's dad. That's right. Why did I think Jason Alexander for some reason. But anyway, you're right. You're right. They're kind of short, chubby guys. I guess so. I mean, that's really what it is, the spoofing, especially in the first one I thought was done better. Personally, I think it was more concise. I didn't mean to cut you off. No, you didn't. That's exactly what it was. I think we have a lag. We do? Yeah. For the audience. You're not in your normal digs. So we're having some minor technical glitches here, but we're doing well. We're handling it. Okay. It's crowd of hot chips instead of hot shots. I do like the because this was a thing for a while. And again, it might have died off before you were old enough to recognize it, but are not due two times ten. That whole thing between Kerry and him, that was a thing for a while. I was waiting for someone to be like, are not times Infinity, because that was always the end of that process. I think it would be now, like, if they made that movie now, they would totally have done that. Right. But I also like, you know, they definitely take the scene from the end of Top Gun because when they both land in the actual Top Gun movie and Maverick saved the day and he was Ice Man's wingman, they get out of they come to the other and Ice Man goes, you are still dangerous, but you can be my wingman any time, right? So in this, they're like you and then they just hug and they do the bro Pat thing on the back. And he's like, I just have one question for you. What is it chafing dish for? And then they had this whole discussion about a chafing dish versus a crock pot. And it just is, like, so funny. Or even when he's first taking it back and he's like, I'm taking the shaping dish where we ship out in the morning, and she goes, the champion dish is not yours. And he goes, Fine, you take it. She goes, I don't want it. And Charlie's toppers like, I'll take it. And she turns home. It's like, you stay out of there. I just kind of imagined that Abrams and Zuckerber specifically Abrams is just like, I'm going to write everything. I'm going to write everything, and I'm going to edit it to where the jokes make sense. But even if it's nonsensical, who cares? He has a co writer on this. It's not just Abrams. Right. But you see what I'm saying? I love the little jokes where it's like it seems like stream of consciousness. Like the opening credits of part two where he's like, they do the text, the words are Typed out, and they try to spell assassinate. Yeah. And they fuck it up, like twice and they just change it to kill a guy. Yeah, kill a guy, Steve. And I just burst out laughing. All right, that seems shit. Like, that is funny because it's playing very serious for like 30 seconds. Like, oh, shit. Well, this goes back to them spoofing multiple films right now. I'm not saying this is the only film this happens in, but the scene that you're seeing in the beginning of part two is very similar is almost, I wouldn't say shot for shot, but it's very much the opening of Hunt for Red October. It's Hunt for Red October. I even think it's also rainbow part two. It might be, but if I remember from Hotshots, it was a sea that was actually an ocean thing. And it was either a boat or a sob, which is what is the opening for The Hunt for Red October. I haven't seen Rambo, so I can't say that there's not a boat. I'm not going to argue that. But inevitably, with us, with our track record, we'll probably end up doing a rainbow. Yeah. I mean, there's five of them. When they make rainbow, six rainbow goes to the nursing home. That's when we'll do it. That's just when you call it grandpa. If they don't, that's what the episode is called. Yes. Seriously. Just like, you kids get off my lawn. That's him. He's just hiding in a jungle. Like what he thinks is a jungle. But it's just like hedges. He's like the Mailman just, like, goes up and runs his throat. No, but not until he slams the mailbox shut, because that's the trigger that takes a Mac to, like, explode. He sees explosions instead of killing people in the Amazon. He's just killing the Amazon delivery guy. That's what he's doing. You are pride for killing. We're rewriters, man. That's what we are. We're rewriters for shit that hasn't even been written. Yeah, we should make as good. We are. We should write a spoof movie. I think we could. I think we could at this point, write a spoof movie. Hey, man, I just want to fucking work on the one that we're. I know. Yeah.

Participant #1:
I would absolutely do a spoofing with you. I think we're capable, honestly, at this point. I think we are, but I don't know what else is there to go on. I like the lady and the Tramp thing from two. I like that, too. Sometimes that's done really badly, and I don't feel like that was the case here. I think that it was done just right, in my opinion. I like the fact there was no tomato sauce whatsoever on his nose afterwards. Yeah, well, it wasn't really on the meatball either, if you look at it close enough. He was kind of looking like a black rock. He was rolling it. No, I know, but there wasn't a whole lot of sauce on the plate to begin with. Right. Which is for my own benefit as an Italian. Just imagine what Valetia color was looking like. These are not like spaghetti. What the fuck is this? Go ahead. Did you notice The Godfather sitting in the background? I did, yeah. The entire time I was waiting for Michael to come back from the toilet with the gun. I was waiting for that. Yeah. They didn't go that far with it. I don't understand why. I don't know. I don't know. Anyway, what were you saying? No, I was just saying sometimes I actually enjoy a dry spaghetti, but primarily, sometimes I enjoy with a different kind of salt, like a clam sauce or like a white wine type of sauce, as opposed to. Yeah, it's like a bongolae. Yeah. Sometimes like a white wine sauce or a clam sauce, something like that. Yeah. It's called vongoli, which is good. That's not what that was. It was just plain s spaghetti with fucking plain s. The interesting thing, though, if you notice real quick, is like when he's crocheting the sweater in his lap and he does pull it off, there is a little bit of red, too. It does look like there's some sauce to it, but yes, out of all the fucking jokes, I thought it was one of the labor ones, to be perfectly honest. I was like, Whatever, guys. Yes, I agree. That is kind of stupid. But the other parts around that when he's sucking on this, the first time he's sucking this, do you expect him going to do the lady in the Tramp thing and then he gets kicked in the face by a shoe because he's sucking on all the shoelace. I thought that was kind of funny. I thought that was funny. And then the second time they do pay it off and actually do the lady. Yeah. He wasn't attacked by terrorists and fucking nod his shoes. Yeah, what a fucking joke. See, that's what I'm saying. Like, oh, what a joke. That wasn't fucking particularly good, right? In terms of the Royal Academy, I still can't get over the fact that I was like, because they prominently starring Rode Akins. I was like, Holy shit, Rose, aka this. I remember him in this. And now I understand why I don't remember them promoting it that way. Well, I mean, they say in the opening credits, he's like, fourth or fifth build. He's got, like, three minutes of screen time.

Participant #1:
Best part of this, both films is Lloyd Bridges. So I know we kind of said that already, but I think I have to just reiterate that, like, there's a lot of great stuff. But he is. I agree. I almost feel like it's almost worth it. You and I just watched the movie Mafia just to see if like, because I have not seen it for years. I thought it was funny. Sure. Especially since you and I are fans of Godfather. Like, just to see. And that's the interesting thing based on when it came out, right? I would not have seen any of that stuff yet because I didn't see The Godfather for the first time. So I was like, 25, 26. And this came out 97. So, like, at the time, all those jokes would have gone over my head. I think there was a Godfather joke. Not that scene you're talking about, but I think there was another Godfather joke that maybe in the first one I forget. I forget which one within something we were watching recently, though, that I heard it now. I was like, oh, okay. You know what I mean? Whereas, like, before, it's way right over the head. I don't know. Speaking of random ass fucking spoofs, we were talking about, like, early Star Wars spoofs in movies, because now Star Wars is such a part of our fucking lexicon. Sure. And pop culture. Oh, okay. Yeah. We always kind of attribute everything to Spaceballs, but, like, I'm pretty sure this came after baseballs. But this, from what I remember reading in Trivia Hotshots, part two features a lightsaber fight, but they're not the classic blue or green and red. One of them is purple. I remember reading, like, an IMDb tree, like, tactically the first time you see a purple lightsaber on film. And I'm like, that is interesting. That is interesting. Yeah. It's not that interesting, but it's interesting. I'm like, oh, why would they go purple? That is weird, right? Although I think the dialogue is almost if it's not verbatim, it's pretty fucking close. Like, I guess they can't do verbatim without owning the rights. But you know what I mean? Or at least express permission from Lucas at the time. Right? Which I've been playing Lego Skywalker Man. I still am on the fence of this, not feeling it for those who've been listening for the last couple of years, I've been wanting fucking Lego Skywalker. And it's finally out. And I got it the day it came out because I preordered it fucking two or three years ago. And I'm disappointed. But I'm in that demographic that is not like everybody else is fucking loving and saying, this is the best Lego game ever. This is exactly what I want for Lego Star Wars game. It's like, no, dude, I feel like such an asshole because I know the developers went through pure hell to try and fucking make this game. And I feel like if I don't give it the praise at everybody else's, I feel like the asshole. But it took kind of all the soul out of the earlier Lego games and just made Lego characters in a beautiful landscape. Everything is detailed, but there's really no joy in my opinion. It's funny because someone actually on. I think I forget it was Facebook or Twitter. Someone put out. I ended up having a back and forth on your behalf about that game. Really? Yeah. And when I say back and forth, it was not like, you're wrong, you're wrong kind of back and forth. It was just a discussion. But people were asking the guy said, Is it still too soon to ask what anyone thinks? Not in, like a spoiler's way, but just in a like, does anyone know enough to talk about it? And I kind of voiced your concerns that you had shared with me. And they were like, oh, well, yeah. And the person I was talking to doesn't care about the puzzles, which I know is your big thing. And they're like, no, I don't give a shit. To Reiterate, there are puzzles in the game, but I'll give you a great example. So last night I was playing a free play level of the first level of New Hope, where traditionally you'd be like, Leia running through the fucking chip as the Stormtroopers invader come aboard. Right, right. And in the earlier Lego games where you did that, it was like fun. And every corner, like, there was something to do and there was a mini kit to unlock, and there was like a puzzle to do, or there was an Easter egg of a little, like, Indiana Jones reference or something. Right. They literally had my character go down. At this point, I'm playing as, like, Django Fett. And I go and I'm running around and I go into what is revealed to basically be like a hidden section. I'm like, oh, there's going to be some cool shit in here. And I go down a floor. Like, a floor is broken apart. So you jump down a floor which was previously inaccessible. You ran a hallway, you run a corner, you go down another hallway, and then it reveals, like, an obstacle course. Like, you got to walk on a plank and balance yourself. You got to jump on a rope and swing across. And then you get to a platform which has electricity bars that are going up and down. You have to go under or jump over. So I do all this, and it brings me to a. I'm thinking, like, there's going to be something cool at the end of all these obstacles and everything. And then there's nothing. It brings me to another area that I grapple up, and it brings me to a section where I unlock a door, which brings me to a location that I'd already been in. But there was a door locked. So all it did was make me go this long, convoluted fucking obstacle course way to unlock a door in an area that I was already in, and I had already collected everything. There was no reward, there was no mini kit. There was no extra studs. There was no little joke. And I was like, they're really kind of putting all this into detail of like, look, you can explore everything. It's like, yeah, but I don't want to just run around. I want to fucking find shit. I want to find bullshit, right? And that's like the way I can sum this whole fucking game up is like they gave me this long, convoluted way of walking down the hallway when all it did was open the door in a room I've already been in. And I went back and forth a couple of Did I miss fucking something? And it's like, no, I don't understand the love for it. I understand the appreciation for it, how it includes characters that have never been chosen. And you can run around as Kylo Ren and Jar Jar Binks on fucking Mustafar if you want to for no reason apart from being like, yeah, I did that like, as a thing I did. Yeah. And one of the funny things is the character dialogue. When you have your two characters that you flip back and forth during free play, they talk to each other and you have the weirdest, most interesting conversations where it's like, if you're Vader and your other character is Kylo. Kylo throughout the game is always super fucking aggressive and mean. But when he's talking to Vader, he's like, fanboying out. He's like, hey, man, I hate grandfather. I really like you and shit like that. They do that correctly. Well, yeah. There was a veiled Greece reference. Well, in the dialogue between President Benson and Saddam was equally interesting. I think during that fight, I do like the fact that they showed the scene where they were like sword fighting. And then it showed, like, Lloyd and fucking. They showed Benson and Saddam just walking off, like, sipping coffee while the men are fucking doing the background. Actually, I think they're drinking Gatorade. No joke. I think it's actually Gatorade. No, just to our little World of Kevin all, I think they're drinking Gatorade. But, yeah, Gatorade. Actually, I have to ask you about something with the first one. I wanted to just see what you thought of it because it's a running gag that I could see getting old. I don't think it did, but I could see how someone else would see that. The Chihuahua. The Chihuahua. Yeah. From the first one. Remind me what the gag was. You would sit down in the air and then pick up the Chihuahua. And it went on throughout the movie, like in different areas, like the Chihuahua guy in some of the fucking places. I thought that was perfectly done. And if they had done one more, it would have been. It would have been killed. Yeah. I liked a lot of the stuff with the planes, too. One guy parks in a handicapped spot and you see the dude in the wheelchair roll off. Have you no decency, right? Yeah. I like the one where one of them is just like, I got twelve bogeys on my radar. They sneeze like, oh, my God, they're everywhere. Yeah. John Crier Walleye or Wash Out character name. Wash out. Yeah. I thought his vision was a little overdone, I guess. I don't know. I have a love hate for that particular. There's some spoofs within the spoof, too, which I think is really kind of intelligent. Right. In all of Top Gun and a lot of the movies like that. Right. You don't refer to people by their first names. You refer them by their call sign. So Maverick, Goose, Iceman, whatever. Right. Like, you very rarely refer even by first or last name. People wouldn't come up to you and be like, De, Georgia. They would come up to you and call you whatever your call sign is. You know what I mean? Yeah. It's weird to be greeted by my last name, by the way. I've tried that. Or I've answered the phone like, Georgia, and they're just like, what? Yeah. No, but I'm just saying. But that's what it is in this movie outside of Topper. Which, by the way, did you ever see what his first name was? Because he does have a first name. I remember finding it when I looked it up, but I don't remember. I didn't even have to look it up. It's on his name tag. What is it? Sean spelled the Irish way, S-E-A-N. So it's Sean. Topper Harley is his name, but more so Deadshot or not dead Shot. Sorry. I'm blending my people now. Dead Meat and Wash Out and Topper are the only three that have not called names. Yeah, I guess that's true. No, I made sure I looked it up. Now there's nothing that I could see that says there's a reason or rhyme for it, but it is the way. So they very much got that part wrong, if that makes sense. So, like I said at the beginning of this, I'm of the opinion that I still think I like the second one more because it fully embraces the spoof and because I'm a bigger rainbow fan. That's to be said, I'm not the biggest rainbow fan, but I'm also not really a Top Gun fan. That's really how I clarify. I totally understand your point of view. Yeah, I would ask you real quick, did you like the throwback to airplane in Hotshots? Because there is actually a throwback to airplane very briefly, and you have to be conscious of it for it to make sense. It's not blatant at all. What is it when they're coming back from the mission after Top or save the day? And the other planes are coming back and they're waiting for the planes to come. And everyone's gathered on the deck of the aircraft carrier watching there's a Dalmatian sitting there barking like there was on the fire truck when they're landing the plane at the end of a plane. I had missed it, but now, as you described it, I remember it again. That's pretty good. That makes sense. If they're ever going to fucking spoof them, they're going to spoof their own shit. I almost wish, like, Leslie Nielsen had a cameo. Or you're just like, I just want you all to know we're all counting on you. Like what we did for last episode. That would have been fantastic in the radar room if he just walked in and said that and closed the door. Yeah, that would have been perfect. I didn't get the dentist thing at the end. Like, after Benson hits the guy and he falls down the stairs and he lands in the dentist chair. I know people don't like the dentist, but I don't understand why that's a dentist there in that sequence. Okay, so that is a reference to a movie called Marathon Man. Okay, marathon man is moving Dustin Hoffman and he's practicing to run for the marathon. And his brother, played by Roy Scheider, is like, in the CIA or something. It's been so long since I've seen it. But Dustin Hoffman gets involved in this, like, government conspiracy bullshit, and Lawrence Olivier plays a Nazi in hiding who's also a dentist. And they torture Dustin Hoffman because they think that he has something that his brother left for him. So he's drilling in his teeth and he keeps repeating the phrase, Is it safe? That's what the bad is. Okay. Yeah. See, that call goes right over my head. And when Stephanie are watching it, as soon as he falls in the dentist's chair, I just mumbled, Is it safe? And then he says, Is it safe? And I looked at staff and I know my shit real quick. A couple of things just to tie things off here. George Scott was actually playing Admiral Benton. Yeah, I heard about that. And the fact that Lloyd Bridges did get the role. I was like, I don't have anything against George C. Scott. Yes, neither do I, but I don't think it plays as well. It doesn't play as well. It's just like as Brando doesn't play as well. I think you stick with what you know is going to be successful, which is Lloyd Bridges is able to that quick wit dialogue that bemused and kind of fucking surprised expression that only he does as well as he does, which is like Befuddled. He just looks like. He's like Lloyd Bridges acts like how Dean Martin had this great joke. He looks at the audience pretending to be drunk. He's like, how did you all get in my room? That's how I imagine Lloyd Bridges does his stick where he's not drunk. He's just borderline has like Alzheimer's. Just like, where the fuck am I? What dinner was I at last night? Who is this woman I married? Fuck you like shit like that. Yeah, the other one. That's interesting because we kind of touched on this earlier, and I don't know if you saw this, but apparently Leslie Nielsen was actually offered the role of Benson and turned it down, saying he had done enough spoof movies with Abrams and then ends up doing Naked Gun Two and a half like that same year. I think that's probably why I've done all these spoofings. I did Airplane. I did Naked Gun. I'm about to do Naked Gun too. Well, the indication is that he wasn't casting Naked Gun like Naked Gun Two hadn't been cast yet. Or I guess Greenland would be the worst. I don't know. But I would argue the irony is most people view Leslie Nielsen as a spoof actor, not just with Airplane and Dakota Gun, but with Scary Movie Three. And also Dracula doesn't loving it. He's one of the few actors who went from Abrams from ZAZ to Brooks. Yeah, Terry Ellen is the only other one that I can think of. Yeah, sounds right. Do you have anything else? No, I got my closing line. Well, send this home, my friend. Hey, Topper. Harley, now that you've killed the bad guy, I made the world safer. Democracy. What are you going to do to cash it on your new found Fame? I'm going to Disneyland. Cj here with a few thank you to let you know how you can get in touch with and follow the show and us listen to us on the Apple Podcast app, Spotify, Fitzgeral, or anywhere else you find your podcast. Please don't forget to write and comment. If you want to agree with or yell at us, you can do it live. That's right. Rico and I put ourselves on a weekly live stream called Getting Vocal with Potuscu every Friday from eight to 10:00 p.m.. Eastern, five to 07:00 p.m.. Pacific at getvocal. Compatascu. That's www.

Participant #1:
Potuscu. Where we discuss various topics from past and present shows and even sometimes play games. If you can't or don't want to join us live, you can follow Rico, Me and the show on Twitter. The show is at Potuscue. Rico is at Ranch Rico and I'm at mblade we want to thank Lego designer and show friend Mike for his work on our wonderful logo. You can contact him for artwork via email at logomike 80 that's logomike 80 thank you to Samuel lemons for all original music on the show especially our theme music. You can find Sam on Twitter at samuellemons and hismusic on Finally, our biggest thank you is to you everyone for listening Rico and I really appreciate your time and look forward to bringing you another episode soon you'll risk the lives of some damn fine pilots.

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